While going through a garment bag suitcase I haven't opened in almost a year I came across an amazing and beautiful discovery....three pristine, gorgeous, lost but not totally forgotten plaid shirts!! I was so overcome with emotion my knees were weak and tears started welling up in my new surgically enhanced eyes. Oh, what a beautiful discovery! Ironically, the treasures were discovered while I was going through the rest of my stash in order to say goodbye to a number of my old, plaid friends. Casualties, you ask? Some of my favorites...but alas, we shared our time together & now we all have the opportunity to seek solace in a new man/shirt relationship. My favorite camping shirt...gone. as are my bargain $6 timberland as well as a number of gifts from my mother & sister. Even one of my favorite summer blue/green plaiddies is going out the door.
Back to my new/old friends...two of the three do show their age a bit and will be shipped out after this week's wearing. The third??? Oh it will carry on their legacy & tell the tale in my closet of its life, much like the velveteen rabbit of children's book fame.
The first of three is pictured here. It is a nice blue/purple plaid that has great color & some personality. Unfortunately it is a little narrow in the shoulders, causing me to stop buttoning three from the top in order to give me enough room to house my massive shoulders and heaving pectorals. Ah, what a scene as i huffed up the hill after work today, white shirt blazing through the chest opening of the plaid creating what I can only call mayhem amongst lookers on as I made my way home. Picture Clark Kent/Superman wearing a newly torn apart shirt & tie as the brilliant blue, yellow & red of his super-garments threaten to take over the scene and save the day. (Sorry for the dramatics, but it's been a while since I've had the pleasure of writing). Anyway, after the photo shoot the white undershirt arose victorious as the purple pectoral eater is now lying on a heap of his fallen brethren. I can only hope for such emotion as the week concludes with my other old, newly resurrected friends.