1. Queens Of Noise (The Runaways)
2. ...Well? (Swell)
3. Cream Abdul Jabar 'Split EP' (Teen Cthulhu) *3*
4. Let It Be (The Beatles)
5. Dressed To Kill (Kiss)
6. Diver Down (Van Halen)
7. K 7" (Old Time Relijun)
8. S/T (Ink & Dagger) *2*
9. From A Basement On A Hill (Elliott Smith)
10. Red, White, and Crue 'Disk 1' (Motley Crue) *2*
I was a busy boy today. I do have a few words.
1. I love my new desk at work. LOVE IT! My phone rang once today, it was my sister calling. I am still pretty headshy. I think I starred at my phone for half of the day in total fear.
2. Diver Down by Van Halen is good. Never listened to it before and I would say it was the highlight. Quote me on it. I am that guy that believes in David Lee Roth. I have always copied my big brother. What can I do?
3. Maybe the first Kiss album is the only good Kiss album? I have more to listen to so that has yet to be determined.
4. I need the first two Motley Crue albums so I can get rid of the greatest hits disc. The first 10 tracks are solid, the rest goes downhill fast ending in a stinky stew of Dr. Feelgood. Christ!
5. Finally. I got a bunch of Kiss and Runaways cd's in the mail during christmas break. So basically that is what is on tap. I really intended my list to show some form of diversity on a daily bases. That has changed. Now I am being introduced to things (which I know are staples for many other people) that I feel the need to binge on.
P.S. Swell? Alex made me do it.