The teams.....
Russia: Josh
Germany: PBK
England: Jimmy
Japan: Brian
US: Chris
Ok, just to start... the Axis is a real underdog here. The Horton's are tough to go up against.

Round 1: Germany hits everything and loses nothing from it's airforce. Japan also has some rolls going for it. The US boats are sunk and the UK has no naval presence. Highlight of this round? The US purcheses four rolls for production and hits one. WOW! US gets "Jet Power."

Round 2: Everything that could go wrong for the Axis happens. Planes are hit by transports the whole round. Germany and Japan really suffer. The Allies go crazy with production facilities. India and French Indo Burma are going to are going to have a battle royal.

Round 3: The decline of Germany continues. Aggresive moves into Russia are stopped. Japan also loses ground in Asia. A single UK submarine patrols the waters and refuses to die. The US begins to build up its airforce and tranports are making moves into Africa and Western Europe.

Round 4: Huge battle in India and French Indo Burma. The UK loses everything and Japan now has three facilities. The Axis is still going to fall but has made the game very interesting.
It all could have continued but some of us had to leave, it was getting very late. The Allies again dominated but the Axis made it tough at times.