Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
# 358
1. No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith (Motorhead) *2*
2. You Walk Alone (Jandek)
3. S/T (Major Organ And The Adding Machine) *2*
4. Fugue In The Fog (The Apes) *2*
2. You Walk Alone (Jandek)
3. S/T (Major Organ And The Adding Machine) *2*
4. Fugue In The Fog (The Apes) *2*
Thursday, July 26, 2007
# 357
1. S/T 'EP' (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's) *2*
2. Heaven's Pregnant Teens (Some Girls) *14*
3. Real Live Kill...Ripe From The Vine 7" (Gogogoairheart) *5*
4. Transmissions From The Satelite Heart (The Flaming Lips) *3*
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
# 356 (Day 19)

1. Neon Bible (Arcade Fire)
2. Speed Trials 'Single' (Elliott Smith)
3. S/T 'Single' (Ground Unicorn Horn)
Looks like Brian had one more for us.......
Day 19
ice polo that is a lighter blue, maybe it was moonlighting & temporarily stole the heart of one of my beloved plaids. Ah, the crazy underworld that is my clothes dresser. Lives are made and destroyed in those hallowed drawers. Anyway, this guy may have to stick around if for nothing else he is the progeny of past wonders. To wrap up my experiment I will have one final post to see what, if anything I have learned & where, by god, I can go next.
Friday, July 20, 2007
# 355
Thursday, July 19, 2007
# 354
1. Live At The Leigh Rock Festival '79 (Joy Division)
2. Live At The Leigh Rock Festival '79 (Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark)
3. Cerebral Caustic (The Fall)
4. Apple 0 (Deerhoof) *2*
5. Racist Unicorn (Doomsday:1999) *40*
I think Verk's done.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
# 353 (Day 18)

1. Shout At The Devil 'Expanded' (Motley Crue) *2*
2. Dreamt for Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain (Sparklehorse) *2*
Day 18
This shirt was doomed from the beginning, a totally awful, dreadful experience all day long. First of all, the picture doesn't quite do it justice. It is a very tight black/white checkerboard, cut like a dress shirt (it's a Van Huesen). I like the idea & the look of dress shirts usually, they are pretty much pretty standard fare, look okay & great because they never go out of fashion unless they have some crazy pattern. The problem I have with this one is the cut is pretty tight for a short, kindof burly guy w/ wider than average shoulders & a little gut that reminds me every day that i'm not 18 anymore, so it doesn't move well with me (i move awkwardly). Speaking of which, I've got an idea for a movie; I want to be 18 again with all the wisdom & knowledge & audacity that I have now but in a younger version of myself. If only...if only. Okay, it'd be funnier if I was 100 & smoked cigars & looked a bit like a monkey & could switch places with my grandson, wait, has that been
done? Back to the shirt...as soon as i buttoned it up i realized that either the shirt was just a little snug or my undershirt was way too thick (i think it's the fat that's making me look fat). Anyway, i was all ironed & had it on & running late, so out the door i went. I live in a part of town where there are a lot of students going to various ripoff "learn to be a blue ribbon chef" schools that cost more than Harvard Law. Consequently, the "professors" make their students play the part of a subservient, know nothing scrub by forcing them to wear wacky uniforms...now i'm sure there is some precedent set in the uniforms as far as their history, reverence, honor, meaning, etc. but all I know is the pants some of the "students" wear look like sweatpants but are a tight black & white plaid pattern. A fact I had totally forgotten until I got out on the street & passed three "souz-souz-souz-chefs" on their way to "class". Wow, my shirt may actually have been cut from the same clo
th. I easily forgot this as i walked to work, head-down, shoulders slumped, muttering just loud enough for any passers by to hear 'i've never been to chef school'. At work the copy machine, okay three of the copy machines near me are broken. The heavy set, frumpy, generally disagreeable maintenance lady from the copy company showed up just before I got my coffee. Have you ever seen that episode of the Office (US version) where Michael is wearing a woman's suit? Okay, I definitely know my shirt was a mens shirt but let's just say that the copy lady must be in tight with the black&white checkered textile people. Crap. She was there all day. When I finally got on my way back home & in the comforts of my tiny little elevator I thought I was once again in the clear...ready to fly out of the lift, run down the hall & take a picture of the thing & be done with it. But wait, get on at the second floor...stop at the fourth. I guess cordon bleu students like to smoke on the roof af
ter class, cause that's where one of them was going...happily clad in her crummy old pants. I think she saw me looking at them in disbelief & thought i was trying to look through them or something because she gave me a nasty glare as i left, like I was a pervert. Oh well, the shirt is off, the day is done & the only thing perverted is the fact that not only do some fat cats get fatter by selling this material to every crappy trade school in the country but then they add to their coffers by selling the scraps to the Van Heusen outlet in Lincoln City...a place I'll never shop again. Well, for plaid shirts at least.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
More from Mindy...

I have to say something about what you are about to read. First of all this picture. She wants to be a model and yet she will pose for a picture like this. Second, she is the only person in te whole wide world who could take a potential DUI so well. Mindy will show us the meaning of grace....enjoy......
Friday the 13th Party
Current mood: hot
Last night we had a party at my house at 8 pm. There were about lets say 20 - 30 people that showed up by 10:30 pm. I didn't know all of them because Lindsey brought some of her friends, and my roommates invited friends that I don't know lol. I knew about 12 people there or something like that. Anyway we had a shit load of liquor and got some shot glasses and red cups. We had kinda loud music going - hip hop, hard rock, rave/techno and rap. Jessica actually drank 5 smirnoffs.. It's crazy. lol
I had agreed with Kyle that I would take him back to his friends house at around 9:30/9:40 so he could be there at like 10 cuz it was in like Scottsdale somewhere.
Anyway like he was taking shots with my friends and doin ten pushups afterwards. He got fucked up! lol.
I got pretty fucked up too but I only had two shots of scotch ("I love Scotch, Scotchy Scotchy Scotch!"-Anchorman)
I was using my Smirnoff Ice as a chaser...cuz all we had in terms of soda was Coke and I DON'T like coke. Diet is way better. Unless it's Pepsi. :)
I met a few different people last night which I only remember the names of certain people. The party was pretty kick ass! This was WAY better than the 4th of July party because 1)It wasn't a week night and 2)The cops didn't show up.
Rick & Amanda ordered 3 pizzas, we had chips and tons of alcohol like liquor beer, and malted liquor.
Ok so it came at the 1:00 hour. Me, Tyler and Kyle went to go take Kyle to his friends' house at 40th st and Camelback. So we went down the stairs to go to my car and waited there for a few minutes until Kyle put on his seatbelt. In the process of putting on his seatbelt, he fell asleep. So we didn't think anything of it. I went on the 101 and my intentions of going on the 51 totally fucked up because I missed the exit. I missed Tatum, 56th st and then proceeded to Scottsdale. Right before Scottsdale Rd, I had issues pressing my gas. I couldn't get my car passed 65 MPH ><>
She answered her phone and I told her what was going on. She said she'd tell Tom to call me. Tom did call me and said Kyle will be fine, he's conscious. lol.
So then the fire department tried waking him up and banging on his sternum. That didnt work. They put him onto the stretcher. As the stretcher was being rose up a little bit, Kyle flipped off the EMT's. That was funny shit. They brought him into the hospital and the cop decided to call another cop to give us all a breathalizer test. Man that was interesting. Tyler went first and his reading was 1.15. The cops kinda were like, "How much did you have to drink?" He goes,"Quite a lot." haha. They're like,"You're not driving." The cops were like,"Who's next??" I said,"I'll go." So I took my first breathalizer test. I was kinda excited but weary about it. I didn't really worry too much because I had drank about 40 ounces of water and then the last time I had a drink was about an hour prior.
Rick was asked by the first cop how much he had a drink. Rick goes,"A beer." He lied. lol. Anyway he took his test and his reading was 1.35 reading. The cop goes,"ONE BEER?!Honestly. Tell me what you REALLY had to drink tonight." Rick goes,"At the party? I had one. But before I had about a 3/4 bottle of Scotch." Both of the cops shook their head. They go,"You're driving to the hospital." They told us directions. So I drove Rick's car to the hospital. We went there and I couldn't remember Kyle's last name. She says it and I was like OH YAH. She would be the person at the front desk in the E.R. I went to the restroom and by the time I got out, Rick had already gone to see Kyle in his room. I think he took out the IVs cuz he woke up in the hospital and didn't know what the hell was going on. Rick came in there and saw a little bit of blood dropped on the floor. Me and Tyler waited in the waiting room. I called my mom and told her what happened..and that my car died.lol. About 20 minutes later we saw Kyle and Rick coming out of the E.R. Kyle had forgotten his backpack so I reminded him about it. We went and Rick drove but he was fine. We went about 90 mph back home. Kyle called Tom all freakin out and stuff. What I had understood was Kyle was getting a ride from Tom. I had waited up for him for about an hour and a half and even took a blanket and a pillow to the living room. Kyle passed out in the round, papasan chair. Amanda passed out for a bit too. And yeah I texted and called Tom wonderin if he was okay. I was like,"Fuck it" so I went into my room, gave Rick the blanket and pillow and fell asleep. I woke up this morning hearing Kyle's phone. WenT in the livingroom and hung out for a bit and went back to sleep until I heard my birth control alarm. Mike, Rick and I went to get my car jumped cuz we thought it was the battery but it wasn't. They connected it to where it was running directly off of Rick's battery but it still made that weird noise. Maybe the engine or tranny seized. But right now me Chris and James are going to try and tow it with James' jeep...
This is the story of my life. I had a photoshoot tomorrow which I already rescheduled twice because of the flight was delayed when I got back into town and now my car is fucked and I don't know if I'm going to be able to get to Austin cuz I don't have enough money to rent a car and I need my rent money.. grr. Ah I'm tired. ><
# 352 (Day 17)

1. Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? (Of Montreal) *2*
2. New Erections (The Locust) *3*
3. Highway To Hell (AC/DC) *2*
Oh, and the list turned 2 today. Yep. It's almost a 100 page Word document. Anyways....
Day 17
Ah yes...the old blue Lands End shirt that I wanted so badly to become the new shirt featured in Day 13. the material is similar, the color is blue (generally a step up in my mind from red) and the length lends itself to absolutely no tucking in. Sadly, something is curiously wrong with this little guy. It's like he has no soul. & I know, the Doors had no base, but unlike the Doors this doesn't free me...it does frighten me. Maybe that it's because i feel like a lumberjack in this one for no particular reason. Maybe it's just too soon to start a new bond with a shirt while I obviously still have some pretty deep feelings for the other. Maybe I should put it back on & scream 'viva la Doors' & see what happens. I guess Lands End & I are just two ships, passing in the night. It's just not our time yet. That, however is why I've got dresser drawers & why (obviously, based on the past month's worth of postings) I rarely throw out a perfectly good plaid shirt. By the way, said
dresser is getting bare, this thing has to come to an end soon.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Day 17

Day 16
Now this truly is an old friend turned nemesis (especially this morning). Over the years I've had a tendency to iron my shirts just pre-wear. It's part of the daily ritual of getting myself geared up for another long, tedious, sometimes thoughtless day. Usually this is a relaxing experience, catching Paul Harvey's old ridiculous stories or 'news' that he deems worthy of polluting the airwaves each day while ironing out the wrinkles in my mind & my garment for the upcoming day. This shirt, so long loved & highly revered for it's unusual texture, tight pattern & good button-placement turned on me after four years of distinguished service. There is a small patch on the breast pocket that has become folded over & despite the hottest-steamiest iron will not fold back into uniform shape. After i put him on for Day 16 I saw the abomination in the pocket & remembered why the shirt had slumbered deep in my dresser for so long. Damn you pocket! Ruin a good relationship with a perfect
ly good old friend! Augh, I will have to rip off the offensive pocket & lay the remainder of this fellow to rest.
Friday, July 13, 2007
# 351 (Day 16)

1. You In Reverse (Built To Spill) *3*
Day 15
This one only really counts for half a day, not only because it's a very thin material & short sleeved, but I only worked half a day in it. The other half was spent in a corporate issued tee shirt worn while building sand sculptures. This guy, like day 14, i don't believe i've ever worn before. Can't say i really enjoyed even the half day in it. By the looks of it, it's about to explode in some bright red fireball possibly aided by either flash paper or stolen chemistry lab items...maybe i'll have to do something about that. It's very clear that i'm running low on shirts, the end is near.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
# 350 (Day 14)

1. Live At Cat's Cradle 9/16/2004 (Les Savy Fav) *3*
Day 14
Now it's getting scary. I don't know if I've ever, ever worn this shirt before. I received it as yet another gift & was shocked by it's in-your-face color scheme. Clearly not the subdued, somber look i normally look for in my pladdies. Sadly, the shirt does not make the man...I half expected a dramatic character change upon the buttoning up of this guy, yet nothing (that I could detect) occurred. I guess to feel like a totally different person I'll have to go find a pair of incredible hulk underoos to squeeze my old body into. Or maybe superman, that one at least looked like the actual hero's costume. Meanwhile, back at the Justice League...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A conversation at work....

RM: "I'd like to see a sitcom where you, Tyler & Trenton have to move in with another Asian mother, but she has two daughters and she's really messy. It'd be like 'The Odd Couple' meets 'The Brady Bunch.' Plus 'My Two Dads,' I guess..."
MV: "'My Two Dads'--did they cancel that?
RM: "Um, yeah. About 15 years ago."
MV: "Really?"
RM checks IMDB.
RM: "1990. It was cancelled 17 years ago."
MV: "Whoa! 1990 was 15 years ago? I can't believe..."
RM: "It was 17 years ago."
Just for the record, PBK thinks MV is amazing.
# 349 (Day 13)

1. Tender Is The Savage (Gluecifer) *3*
2. S/T [Touch & Go] 'EP' (Red Stars Theory) *2*
Now this little guy has some stories to tell. I recently saw a picture of me in it back in 2003. For a while he had my back (okay was on my back) every week in almost every situation. He's gone to work, gone to eat, gone drinking, gone fishing & camping & even gone to sleep w/ me. I believe he even bore witness to a night of hotdog consumption equaled only by whiskey consumption, poker dominance & shoe melting sleep alongside a fire. Maybe he even overheard Papenfuss' first denouncement of 'the chosen' people...Wow, i think I have a connection with this shirt. If neither of us is married in ten years i think we are obligated to look into the legalities of man/garment unions. Wow it's hot out, & I'm obviously delirious!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
# 348 (Day 12)

1. S/T (Steve Malkmus)
Day 12
I can't think of the last time I wore this shirt...I don't remember when I got it (although I know it was at least 3 years ago). I never wore it because it had some issues....obviously those issues have evaporated with the passage of time. Cool, comfortable, accepting of a hot iron, there's not much more a man can accept of a mate, i mean shirt. The next two days will be brutal....old, old long-sleeve shirts & 100+ degree weather. No one can ever say I wasn't committed to craziness.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Day 11

It's an oldie but a goodie...I had completely forsaken this shirt because it never fit well & ironed worse, until today. We are getting to the depths of my plaid hoard but I think I'll roll away the stone in front of the tomb that previously housed this shirt. Maybe i'm just in a good mood. Or maybe this guy I should just name Lazarus. We shall see...maybe I just need to see the Last Temptation again.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Day 10

This nice little plaiddie just screams summertime to me. Not only does it look like a picnic blanket (or italian tablecloth) but it's cut just right, is nice & lightweight & I think I can take it off in record time if the need arises to jump into an icy pool of water on a hot summers day. Okay, there's a little backstory that goes along w/ it too. It was summer a couple of years ago & I mustered up the courage to go meet one of my sister's friends at her place of work...it was a hot summer day & perfect for a cup of iced coffee at the Bellevue Mall Tully's. My plans hit a snag when Heidi 'called in sick' that day & wasn't there. Heartbroken, some people turn to ice-cream or high-proof liquor, but having neither of those I went seeking a new shirt to mend my heart. Into the Eddie Bauer store I went. They were, afterall, having a clearance sale. Having no need for cargo shorts or sandals my attention was drawn towards a rack of summer style button up shirts. Red plaid, bold but comfortable. I gave the sales girl my shirt, made her fill out the form so I wouldn't have to pay sales tax & took my new plaider to my car, where i put it on & cried for hours in the back seat. Okay, maybe not that last part...anyways, this one is near & dear to me as it represents the bleeding heart that was beating inside my chest as my dream of a nice little coffee date went awry that August afternoon. That's a bit dramatic, but i do like this shirt.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
# 347 (Day 9)

1. Prawns (The Rebel)
2. Okonokos 'Disk 2' (My Morning Jacket)
This Ralph Lauren must be from some of my bigger days....it looks huge on the hanger & even bigger on me. The color & pattern are all right & the light material is great for summer days but the shear girth of this one makes me tuck it into my knees. I must've been 6 inches taller & 50 lbs heavier when I bought it. It truly is a shame, too...the aqua color really brings out the glorious color in my eyes. Okay, maybe not. Methinks day nine has made it's last appearance unless by some freak of nature I get pregnant (If Arnold can do it, why not me?). Lame post, I know, but it's too hot in my apt. to be overly creative.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
# 346 (Day 8)

1. Cavity Search 'EP' (Holy Molar) *2*
2. Woke In A Whaleheart (Bill Callahan) *2*
Oh say can you see...I pledge allegiance...Don't tread on me & These colors don't run. This is my spin on Independence Day & a shout out to the founding fathers & all Americans since. I'm just doing my part to honor our country in plaid fashion. Makes me hum a song I know sung between Abigail & John Adams about salt peter. No, New Hampshire, you can't respectfully abstain. Now let's BBQ, get drunk, eat the hell out of some hotdogs & stick our face in some apple pie!
God Bless the USA
2. Woke In A Whaleheart (Bill Callahan) *2*
Oh say can you see...I pledge allegiance...Don't tread on me & These colors don't run. This is my spin on Independence Day & a shout out to the founding fathers & all Americans since. I'm just doing my part to honor our country in plaid fashion. Makes me hum a song I know sung between Abigail & John Adams about salt peter. No, New Hampshire, you can't respectfully abstain. Now let's BBQ, get drunk, eat the hell out of some hotdogs & stick our face in some apple pie!
God Bless the USA
Monday, July 02, 2007
# 345 (Day 7)

1. Dead Rhythm (Triumph Of Lethargy Skinned Alive To Death)
2. Still Hungry (Twisted Sister)
Lo & behold...the only Dickies thing I own. I like this one...broad shoulders, wide pattern, big buttons, a little long but not too long.
Dickies gets my seal of approval however somehow i doubt I'd be able to fit comfortably in a pair of their pants/jeans..the whole tall skinny vs. short stocky thing rears it's ugly head again. It's silly but i do almost feel cool wearing this plaider. nice...
2. Still Hungry (Twisted Sister)
Lo & behold...the only Dickies thing I own. I like this one...broad shoulders, wide pattern, big buttons, a little long but not too long.
Dickies gets my seal of approval however somehow i doubt I'd be able to fit comfortably in a pair of their pants/jeans..the whole tall skinny vs. short stocky thing rears it's ugly head again. It's silly but i do almost feel cool wearing this plaider. nice...
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