Monday, July 16, 2007

Day 17

Day 16

Now this truly is an old friend turned nemesis (especially this morning). Over the years I've had a tendency to iron my shirts just pre-wear. It's part of the daily ritual of getting myself geared up for another long, tedious, sometimes thoughtless day. Usually this is a relaxing experience, catching Paul Harvey's old ridiculous stories or 'news' that he deems worthy of polluting the airwaves each day while ironing out the wrinkles in my mind & my garment for the upcoming day. This shirt, so long loved & highly revered for it's unusual texture, tight pattern & good button-placement turned on me after four years of distinguished service. There is a small patch on the breast pocket that has become folded over & despite the hottest-steamiest iron will not fold back into uniform shape. After i put him on for Day 16 I saw the abomination in the pocket & remembered why the shirt had slumbered deep in my dresser for so long. Damn you pocket! Ruin a good relationship with a perfect
ly good old friend! Augh, I will have to rip off the offensive pocket & lay the remainder of this fellow to rest.

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