1. In Rainbows 'Bonus Disk' (Radiohead)
2. A Can Of Bees (The Soft Boys)
3. Words From The Front (Tom Verlaine)
4. Wormwood Split 7" (Teen Cthulhu) *2*
1. Reign In Blood (Slayer)
2. Black/Rich Music 'EP' (Will Oldham) *3*
3. Programme (Gogogoairheart) *3*
1. Myspace Demo (Glass Candy) *3*
2. Are You Sleepy? (The Gerbils) *3*
3. Head For The Shallow (Big Business) *4*
1. Dynasty (Kiss) *2*
2. Live 'EP' (Interpol)
3. Vivadixesubmarinetransmissionplot (Sparklehorse) *2*
4. Audit In Progress (Hot Snakes)
5. Uterus & Fire (Old Time Relijun) *3*
6. Back In The USA (MC5) *3*
7. Cavecare 'EP' (Chromatics) *3*
8. Arms Slither Away 'EP' (Chromatics) *2*
9. All My Friends Are Going Death (Some Girls) *4*
1. A Broken Frame (Depeche Mode) *2*
2. S/T 'EP' (Archers Of Loaf)
3. S/T (City Of Caterpillar) *2*
4. S/T 'Single' (Ground Unicorn Horn) *2*
1. The Aeroplane Over The Sea (Neutral Milk Hotel) *3*
2. Plaster Hounds (Chromatics) *5*
3. My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts (Brian Eno & David Byrne) *3*
4. The Embassy Tapes (The Nation Of Ulysses) *3*
5. Gatefold (Orchid) *17*
1. Teenage Jesus & The Jerks (Lydia Lunch)
2. Use Your Illusion 1 (Guns N' Roses)
3. 23 (Blonde Redhead)
3. Robespierre's Velvet Basement (Jacobites)
Dream Panic | [Aug. 8th, 2007|11:21 am] |
Last night I had a dream that I went online and found out either on an IM from Yahoo or some kind of text from Tom denying that we ever dated, slept together or that he had ever loved me. I just remember the message popping up on the screen with a black background, white font in Verdana or Times New Roman. I think when this happened I was actually staying in the Vonzeles' tour trailer, and no one was awake except for me. I actually believed this and woke up having a panic attack. I was sweating, breathing heavily and my palms were sweating. I was freaked out because I love him. I went back to sleep and picked up where I left off. Man I was so dsappointed and upset. I was in Sturgis in their trailer on Alex's laptop cuz I definetly do not have one. Tom had heard me breathing heavily and I started to cry. He woke up and asked me what was wrong. I go,"So when did you start denying that we were ever together?" He goes,"Never baby," and put his hand on my shoulder as he watches the computer screen. I am almost in tears writing this on my piece of paper. Most of me wanted to believe that it was not true and there was still a part of me that thought it was real. My eyes started watering, my hands started sweating and my heart beat is kinda racing. It's a scary feeling when you think that someone you really love doesn't love you. That was just a dream and I know he loves me. :) So anyway I remember flying there and taking a cap to their location. The cab cost was $22.50 the approximate balance for my bank account. LoL. As he was patting my shoulder, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me to turn around. Then Tom says,"Don't believe everything you see on that computer. It's not real. Show me that message." So I showed him and he was like,"I never wrote that. Someone just put it up there to make you upset. It may be a virus." I go, "Are you sure? Shall we do a virus scan?" He's like,"Yeah, let's do it!" So I scanned Alex's computer for viruses. We found three. One was "Denial.trojan"; Second one was,"He Doesn't love You.trojan" and the last one was called,"Yourealone.trojan" We researched it online and just as we suspected, we saw screen shots all refering to what had happened on Alex's computer. They were all mixed up together to IM me on yahoo, show the black screen and make me go into tears. Apparently there were tons of other people in the US and China affected by this. He was like,"I love you and we're together now, so don't worry about it." He and I had a nice long tight hug and a kiss. That was really comforting. I let Alex's computer go on a screen saver and Tom & I went back to bed. It was 3:30 am. By 7:30 am, the sun came up and woke me along with Stan up. We started chattin in the kitchen area and everyone else had woken up. Alex started making breakfast. He made sunny side up eggs and bacon. I found Terri had stayed with them as well. 4 people waking around in a travel trailer is not fun. lol. I didn't have bacon with my eggs because I don't like pork. Anyway that Saturday which was the day that we had breakfast, we headed out to see the events at Sturgis. At around noon, I was in a bikini contest. My image was totally different on stage than what I really looked like. The only same feature was my face, and my height. I had stringy bleach blonde hair, a fake tan, fake nails and looked like I was on steroids. I also had to make up for the boobs by implanting some into my body. I got 3rd place. After going down the stairs, and into the dressing room, I walked out to greet Tom again and I was normal. That was really starange. The place seemed like a huge fair because they had those silly games where you throw ping pong balls into the fish bowls and win a fish. But in this event, there were no fishes. Just fish bowls. You would win a stuffed toy (the size depending on the difficulty you played.) Tom won a huge dolphin. He decided to give it to me. It looked exactly like the toy Erin has out for her dog but enlarge that into a 3 1/2 foot dolphin. Then we went over and I played a game. I threw a basketball into a basket and won a prize. It was a huge goldfish with huge lips and a Mariner's baseball ha. I gave that one to Tom. It was about the same size as the dolphin. lol. We went out to the van and put the prizes on top of the musical equipment. Later on they closed the show for velvet revolver and there were tons of screaming fans. Vonzeles "Wowed" the croud and won a prize as well. Velvet Revolver picked them to go on tour starting in Mid-October. That tour would last approximately 6 months. After the show, we all celebrated and went into a local saloon and passed out in the trailer. I woke up with Tom and Alex was driving the van. We had slept so much that we were already in Colorado. That's what we get for sleep deprivation. :) It was two days later by the way. Crystal showed up in Colorado Springs and Stan & Crys were happy to see eachother. That night we all went to the movies and saw "Futurama" and "The X Files". They played a couple more shows and I ended up flying home because I had to be to work by Monday. |
1. S/T 'EP' (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah's) *2*
2. Heaven's Pregnant Teens (Some Girls) *14*
3. Real Live Kill...Ripe From The Vine 7" (Gogogoairheart) *5*
4. Transmissions From The Satelite Heart (The Flaming Lips) *3*
1. Neon Bible (Arcade Fire)
2. Speed Trials 'Single' (Elliott Smith)
3. S/T 'Single' (Ground Unicorn Horn)
Looks like Brian had one more for us.......
Day 19
1. Live At The Leigh Rock Festival '79 (Joy Division)
2. Live At The Leigh Rock Festival '79 (Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark)
3. Cerebral Caustic (The Fall)
4. Apple 0 (Deerhoof) *2*
5. Racist Unicorn (Doomsday:1999) *40*
I think Verk's done.
1. Shout At The Devil 'Expanded' (Motley Crue) *2*
1. Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? (Of Montreal) *2*
1. You In Reverse (Built To Spill) *3*
1. Tender Is The Savage (Gluecifer) *3*
1. Prawns (The Rebel)